In simple terms, we aim to help space explorers by developing boots with special features  that can be used anywhere. These equipment, produced with recycled materials, can facilitate explorers missions and simplify the colonization of the cosmos.


  • Fighting pollution both on Earth and Space.
  • Helping astronauts cope with adversities and dangers of space exploration.


  • Fighting pollution by using waste materials from Earth and old rockets/satellites debris from space.
  • Making exploration more secure for astronauts thanks to our products' features.


Model by Raz, published on Sketchfab by Riccardo

A multifunctional boot...

In our special boot are included all these features:

  • Small stabilizing spikes which will grip the ground, thus leading to safer movements. The spikes will activate automatically every time sensors detect obstacles on the ground, preventing dangerous falls.
  • A.I. System which connects to the astronaut's helmet. With this it will be possible to scan and analyze the topography of the terrain being explored, giving alerts to the astronaut.
  • Fall System which can detect, using sensors under the boots, accidental falls, alerting the main base about the accident / danger.

In addition to these ideas, we are also thinking of an integrated thrust system applied directly under the boots, and of directly creating our products in space thanks to special tools such as the Refabricator by NASA.


Video made by Beari Biton and Shir Khermosh.

Special thanks to Vered Cohen-Barzilay who have voiced our video!